Dominik Szczepański Apps

JDict - Japanese Dictionary 1.0
JDict is an offline japanese dictionarywhichincludes vocabulary, kanji, sentences and more.It is largely inspired by well-known "Imi wa?" dictionary foriOSplatform both functionally and visually.Current features:- works offline- shows kana/romaji as you type- supports wildcards in vocabulary- recent words, examples and kanji- romaji mode in search- kanji search is divided by ON/KUN readings, Nanori andmeaningresults- very fast example search- extract words from sentences feature- kanji stroke order animations- furigana is matched everywhere with my own algorithm (stillcanhave some bugs though)- in component view you can see all kanji with givencomponentordered by JLPT level and word commonness- in kanji view you can see all compounds with given kanjiorderedlike above- search kanji by components (design inspired by"Japanese"dictionary)- browse kanji by JLPT and School Grades- notes- lists (works like favourites but with folders/subfolders)- vocabulary search recognises some basic grammar when typing- in word detail view examples are categorized by word meaningifsuch a connection existsAs you can see features are mostly basic for now.Database file is quite big (~230MB). The reason for that is thatitcontains a lot of example sentences data and needs a lot ofindexesto run smooth.My plans:- make application more user friendly (list search)- learn vocabulary feature (using lists)- exporting lists to Anki- external links in vocabulary- kanji handwriting recognition- shiritori game- improve extract words algorithm (I have some ideasusingstatistical approach to make it run faster)Acknowledgements:- Electronic Dictionaries Research Groups- KanjiVG- Tatoeba- KanjiCafe- Tanos (JLPT)